Monday, 13 September 2010

Weekend news

Well its been a very wet weekend in Oldham.

Saturday morning saw Andrew out for a 'parkrun' in Alexander Park, Kathryn and Nicholas at the opening ceremony for the Saddleworth Village Olympics and Alex doing what teenagers do best - staying in bed.

The Olympics started with about two hundred local children setting off balloons followed by various athletic events. Check out the photos at

The afternoon saw us all at Manchester City for the football - unfortunately we only got a draw and got soaked to the skin walking back to the car.

Sunday was a classic chill out day and then we find ourselves back at Monday again.................

1 comment:

  1. Sounds lovely, did you know that Uppermill was mentioned on the BBC's Radio 4 Today Programme's news bulletin this morning?
    Rigged elections? In Saddleworth? What's going on?
