Tadhg (pronouned Ty) was born weighing only 1lb 14 1/2oz. He managed to breath by himself for 2 hours yesterday!
Michael is Tydhg's identical twin. He weighed in at 2lb 5oz and is now up to breathing for 5 hours on his own.
This is Ciara who was the heaviest at 2lb 14oz. She is breathing for longer on her own each day.
Unfortunately our friends live in London so we don't get to see them as often as we like but we are hoping to go for a weekend towards Christmas. I'll keep you informed on the babies progress. xx
Welcome to the world you precious sweet babies.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to M&C.
ooo, how sweet is this. I pray they will grow and become stronger every day. If I can find it, I saw the cutest photo of twins that I will send you.:)))
ReplyDeleteOh how sweet. May they grow stronger with each day!
ReplyDeleteAww, God bless those precious babies, they are so sweet!! Miriam@Meatless Meals For Meat Eaters
ReplyDeleteP.S. I'm following you now (I've got to see the baby progress :).
Hi lovely lady.
ReplyDeleteOOO, The baby is so sweet !!! I also pray they baby will grow and become stronger as time go's by.
Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I'm your newest follower on your sweet blog.
XXOO Diane
miracles, indeed! How beautiful and wonderful! wishing many blessings for this family.
ReplyDeletebeautiful babies. each day they get stronger, breathe independently for longer bits of time. gain weight, and one day soon will all be able to go home with mom and dad. many good wishes for their continued progress!