Saturday 28 August 2010


Andrew, Alex and Nicholas at the top of Mont Blanc

Here is Big Nick all ready to go!

Thursday 26 August 2010


As this is my first Blog post EVER any mistakes must be wholly excused.

The rain is still coming down in Oldham but the school holidays are still going well - in the main due to the fact that the children have hardly been here. A good time was had by all the Berkley boys in Italy last week, the highlight being white water rafting and a trip up Mont Blanc.

I've had plenty of time to catch up with my work but still feel to be getting nowhere fast - not a bad thing I suppose, there is no prospect at the moment of being out of work anyway but it very difficult to keep everyone happy.

The plans for our ski holiday to Italy with the gang next year have been 'scuppered' all the plans had been made but at the 11th hour we realised that the week that we were booking was NOT the boys half term holiday and as we now feel that Alex is of an age when he can't miss school for holidays we decided not to join the party - gutted! Now back to plan B to maybe go on our own possibly at easter.

Well thants all for now. KE xx

Saturday 14 August 2010

take three sisters.....the beginning

After chatting long distance this morning with sister Rhonda about how much my life has changed since I began my blog Normandy Life over 2 years ago, I thought wouldn't it be great if the three Smith sisters got together with a blog of their own.
A place to share pix and tales of our everday lives, each one so very different from the other two, with each other and anyone else in blogland who cares to follow along.
It has been almost 17 years since the three of us were last together, Kathryn & I with other family members flew to Australia to attend Rhonda's wedding, and oh! how our lives have changed since then.
There's been another wedding (Kathryn), a divorce (Rhonda, sadly), 2 babies (Kathryn), 2 grand children (Rhonda), we lost Bill our lovely Dad in 2008, quite a few house house moves and a new country, France (Margaret).